Why doesn't this tween work as intended?

here is the script:

local ts = game:GetService("TweenService")
local water1 = workspace._Water2
local water2 = workspace._Water1
local ti = TweenInfo.new(10,
local ti2 = TweenInfo.new(5,
local tg = {Position = Vector3.new(water1.Position.X, water1.Position.Y -25, water1.Position.Z)}
local tg2 = {Position = Vector3.new(water2.Position.X, water2.Position.Y -13, water2.Position.Z)}
local tg3 = {Position = Vector3.new(water1.Position.X, water1.Position.Y +25, water1.Position.Z)}
local tg4 = {Position = Vector3.new(water2.Position.X, water2.Position.Y +13, water2.Position.Z)}
local tc = ts:Create(water1, ti, tg)
local tc2 = ts:Create(water2, ti2, tg2)
local tc3 = ts:Create(water1, ti, tg3)
local tc4 = ts:Create(water1, ti2, tg4)
local debounce = false
local valve = workspace.Valve
	if debounce == false then
	debounce = true
				debounce = false

it’s not supposed to go sideways. i tried CFrame. i have absolutely no idea why this happens. water2 doesn’t go up. only water 1 and it bugs out and moves sideways and way higher.

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Have u tried doing it like that ?

local tg = {Position = water1.Position + Vector3.new(0,-25,0)}

and replace task.wait() with wait() cuz i hade bad experience using tak.wait() with tween

i haven’t, and task.wait() is wait but better.

Did u check the output ? there might be errors

still acting weird. maybe i need to make different infos for them?

wait can u show how water1 looks? cuz tweening size varies depending on shapes

i got confused rn tbh, can u tell me what is happening in vid1 and vid2 pls

the water moves sideways ISN’T IT OBVIOUS?

so the problem is in vid 2 right ? which tween does it use ?

the water shown in the videos is water1. water 2 doesn’t rise again.

ok so what is water’s shape ? u didnot tell me

it’s a normal part. characters

Do you have sizing tween? .characters

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nope. sorry for delayed response.

honestly idk where the problems is, cuz the script seems correct

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I’m presuming these lines might have influenced the attitude of your script:

local water1 = workspace._Water2
local water2 = workspace._Water1

local tc4 = ts:Create(water1, ti2, tg4)

I don’t see any other wrong stuff. You might have confused variables by naming them from my perspective.

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came back and somehow no one noticed tc4 was referencing the wrong variable. i had a brain blast lol.

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