Hey Roblox devs. I’m trying to make it so that when you press e, dialog shows up and it says “hello” and your name. I’m not sure why this doesn’t work.
game.ReplicatedStorage.PlayerName.Value is a string value, and I made it so that when the player presses e the name of the player that pressed it gets passed to this string value. The string value changes, but not the dialog.
you might think that it’s a problem with my local script, but if it was then the PlayerName value wouldn;t change at all. I might be wrong though.
this table is getting the current value of the stringValue and putting it in [1]
if the string value changes, the string value replaces the string, but [1] continues to be the old string
instead, I’d maybe store functions in [1], [2], and [3] to do things like get the string value each time when the function is called
Your code didn’t work. Also, I don’t understand the point of making the table seperatly, or how DialogModule.Dummy works. Where is “Dummy” getting defined? The NPC is under a folder named “NPC” and the NPC itself is named Dummy. I’m sorry I don’t understand, I’m not that familiar with Roblox coding.
Local Script, because when you press e (I have a proximity prompt in the Dummy) the local script recognizes it, and it changes the game.ReplicatedStorage.PlayerName Value to the local player name. That works perfectly fine, the value changes and everything but what doesn’t change is the dialog text itself.
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
local DialogModule = require(ReplicatedStorage.DialogModule)
local p = Players.LocalPlayer
local NPCs = workspace.NPCs
local DialogFrame = script.Parent.DialogFrame
local InputButton = DialogFrame.Input
local NPCName = DialogFrame.NPCName
local DIALOG_TWEENINFO = TweenInfo.new(0.25, Enum.EasingStyle.Exponential, Enum.EasingDirection.Out)
local dialogOpen = false
local dialogTween = nil
local dialogIndex = 0
local gradualTextInProgress = false
local function gradualText(text)
if gradualTextInProgress then
local length = string.len(text)
for i = 1, length, 1 do
gradualTextInProgress = true
DialogFrame.DialogText.Text = string.sub(text, 1, i)
gradualTextInProgress = false
local function onDialog(dialog, index, proximityPrompt)
game.ReplicatedStorage.PlayerName.Value = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name
if dialog[index] then
if dialogTween then
dialogTween = nil
local tween = TweenService:Create(DialogFrame, DIALOG_TWEENINFO, {
Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 2, 0)
dialogTween = tween
proximityPrompt.Enabled = true
dialogOpen = false
dialogIndex = 0
p.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Anchored = false
if gradualTextInProgress then
local dialog = DialogModule[NPCName.Value]
dialogIndex += 1
onDialog(dialog, dialogIndex, NPCs[NPCName.Value].HumanoidRootPart.ProximityPrompt)
for _, NPC in pairs(NPCs:GetChildren()) do
local humanoidRootPart = NPC:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
local proximityPrompt = humanoidRootPart:FindFirstChild("ProximityPrompt")
if humanoidRootPart and proximityPrompt then
--proximityPrompt.ObjectText = NPC.Name
proximityPrompt.ActionText = "Talk "
local dialog = DialogModule[NPC.Name]
if dialogOpen then
dialogOpen = true
proximityPrompt.Enabled = false
NPCName.Value = NPC.Name
p.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Anchored = true
if dialogTween then
dialogTween = nil
local tween = TweenService:Create(DialogFrame, DIALOG_TWEENINFO, {
Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 1, 0)
dialogTween = tween
dialogIndex = 1
onDialog(dialog, dialogIndex, proximityPrompt)
local function onDialog(dialog, index, proximityPrompt)
game.ReplicatedStorage.PlayerName.Value = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name
if dialog[index] then
if dialogTween then
dialogTween = nil
local tween = TweenService:Create(DialogFrame, DIALOG_TWEENINFO, {
Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 2, 0)
dialogTween = tween
proximityPrompt.Enabled = true
dialogOpen = false
dialogIndex = 0
p.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Anchored = false
Are you telling me to use that script or are you asking me where that is? I’m going to be honest, I copied most of this from a tutorial to save time for myself. I can find the video if you need it.
First of all, a module script will return exactly one value if you fire a function inside it, for your module script its an entire table, and you know that?
Second, you cannot expect the module to work on its own, it will return an error, and I am not sure why other developers here haven’t noticed it yet?
Now the thing it won’t work is
Imagine this:
local avalue = 100
avalue = 200
Now the avalue will become 200 ok?
No string/int value is getting changed its a variable which is getting changed
The same thing your doing here:
local value = game.ReplicatedStorage.PlayerName.Value -- the first value
Now this above line is something like: (assuming the player name is hi by default)
local value = "hi"
value = "hello" --the variable changed but the value of the playername instance didnt
To achieve the value changing u should do this:
local valueinstance = game.ReplicatedStorage.PlayerName
valueinstance.Value = "hello" -- now it will change
I’m not too familiar with module scripts, I didn’t know that. What your telling me to do is what im already doing, from what I see. Again, I don’t know nodule scripts that well so your probably right
Are you trying to achieve something like a dialog changer every second?
I could help you make a script with that, but I never use module scripts, they are meant for repetitive tasks, you aren’t doing a repetitive task here
No. I’m trying to make it so that when a player presses e they get dialog saying hello and that players name. Let’s say player A presses it. Since it’s a local script, if another player were to press it, the dialog wouldn’t say “hello player A” it would say “hello player B.” That should work, because it’s a local script. I may be mistaken since the player name value is on the server, but that’s briefly what im trying to do.