if the rotation is not what you wanted then you can change it with something like
CFrame.new(0,-4,0) * CFrame.fromOrientation(math.rad(90),0,0)
you might need to mess around a bit to see which side is which
if the rotation is not what you wanted then you can change it with something like
CFrame.new(0,-4,0) * CFrame.fromOrientation(math.rad(90),0,0)
you might need to mess around a bit to see which side is which
In the video that i sent, it showed that i used weld constraints and it did work, but the bones didnt move with the primary part, how do i fix that?
just use welds and turn the primary part the way where the bone faces the correct way before tweening it
also you are tweening to Zone.CFrame
which means the primary part will always tween to have the same position and rotation with Zone
, so you can also rotate it and then set the primary cframe to it
The welds made it so that each one of them are all in one position, how do you reckon i fix that?
you have them welded to a primary part, just rotate the primary part and they will all rotate
No bro youre not understanding, they are all in one position
are you using welds or weld constraints?
when i use welds, it rotates them and places them all at the center of the primary parts, then i tried weld constraints which fixed the problem of rotating and placing them at one position, but created another problem where they dont tween with the primary part.
huh it looks kinda normal when I coded it
welds were perfectly fine for your script, you just had the wrong rotation and you need to rotate the primary part before tweening it
its not rotation bro its that they are all at one place
local model = workspace.Model:Clone()
local primary = model:WaitForChild("primary")
model.Parent = workspace
primary.CFrame = CFrame.new(0,0,0) * CFrame.fromOrientation(math.rad(90),0,0)
game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(primary, TweenInfo.new(1), {CFrame = primary.CFrame * CFrame.new(0,0,-10)}):Play()
i edited the post above, look at the video what happens when i do it.
you did not weld the bones with the primary part correctly
can you tell me what i did wrong?
I think you need to change the unions themselves cuz they shouldn’t change like that when you weld them
not sure how welds work when you do them manually, I usually weld parts with moon animator
or you can run a command to weld your parts, like this
local part1 = workspace.Part1 --primary part
local part2 = workspace.Part2
local weld = Instance.new("Weld")
weld.Part0 = part1
weld.part1 = part2
weld.C0 = part1.CFrame:ToObjectSpace(part2.CFrame)
weld.Parent = part1
is this the result ur looking for btw?
I just set the CFrame of the bone zone’s primary part to below the zone’s CFrame
If none of this works you may need to remake the bones to make them compatible