trying to make it so when you click with a tool, a indicator shows up, after .5 seconds bones show up
the problem is, is that the bones are all welded into a root part which is just a single part thats covering up all of them, when i click it should tween the root part and i would expect the bones to also tween with the root part… but they dont.
if Char:FindFirstChild("Bone Zone") and info.BoneZone then
if sf.SetCooldown({plr = player, ability = "boneZone", check = true}) then return end
sf.SetCooldown({plr = player, ability = "boneZone", dura = 2})
local Zone = repStorage.Fx.Zone:Clone()
Zone.Position = (mouseHit *,4,0)).Position
Zone.Parent = workspace.Effects
local zoneSound = repStorage.Sounds["Bone Zone"]:Clone()
zoneSound.Parent = Root
task.delay(.5, function()
local swipeSound = repStorage.Sounds["Undertale - Swipe Sound Effect"]:Clone()
swipeSound.Parent = Root
local boneZone = repStorage.Fx.Model:Clone()
boneZone.PrimaryPart.Position = (mouseHit *,-2,0)).Position
boneZone.Parent = workspace.Effects
TweenModule.obj(boneZone.PrimaryPart, "Quad", "In", .2, {Position = Zone.Position})
for Index, Value in ipairs(boneZone:GetChildren()) do
if Value:IsA("UnionOperation") then
TweenModule.obj(Value, "Linear", "Out", .2, {Transparency = 0})
Like the guy above said, parts that are welded to one part need to be unanchored while the part that’s getting the welds need to be anchored for it to work
The problem was i used a weld to weld it to the root part, so it made it rotate that way… So i used a Weld Constraint. And that created another problem.