Why I Am Never Coming Back To This Account☑️

Before I had my other account I would use this one for my main game play and developing on roblox. The only reason I decided to make a new account was because someone got me banned from trade hangout and did some other stupid things with it. So now I can do less with this account and this account is not really trustworthy anymore for something I never did. After I made my new account though I was still using this one for little things with YouTube, but as soon as my other account started to grow more and I was ready to get rid of this one, I only used this for developing. Because roblox does not allow account deletions, I am just going to put this account to the side and never touch it again. This includes me never using the developer forum again with this account, since I really never liked having alt accounts and I have a bigger risk of my accounts being deleted. If you would like to see my new account and it growing into a better result them my last one, then click this link. And if you would like to view the new dev version then click this link. If a roblox staff is seeing this then I would appreciate if you did delete this alt account, but it isn’t necessary to. Have a great day everyone! :grin:

(I hope to finish this account “deletion” by tomorrow).

Whenever I needed help with an error in my code or something, I was very happy that this community was here to help me and I hope that any new developers that are reading this, to make sure that you are careful with what you do and realize that this community will always be by your side. I really hope that my new account grows a lot better then my other one I made about 3 years ago.

Thank You ROBLOX For All The Help You Gave Me To This Day!

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