Why i can Go into The hole with Union?

i try make Pool and idk why i can go into the hole?


collisions aren’t precise.


there is a problem with the title: "Why i can go into the hole with Union
make it : Why can’t i go into the hole with Union?

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Maybe the parts that you unioned had “Collide” on?

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why i can’t go into the hole.

can = affirmative
can’t or can not = negative

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because unions are just like that, it creates a hole but it’s still one part

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You’ll need to turn CanCollide off to make it possible to go through the Union’s Hole. This can be done in the “Properties” Tab of the Editor. Great build though!

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The point is if i add the Pool i made i can’t on the pool but if i remove the hole i can on pool

No Hole

Remove Hole

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Ah, I see. The issue is just Roblox unions. I don’t know what else to suggest then.

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Maybe, the parts you unioned had collide on, try setting the collide to off

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it big and if Off Collide, Everthing will Fall Like God of War meme

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Are you using Uionons to make the hole?

If so try using a smaller part within the larger part.


When making a hole, you would use Negate button with the pool being the base. Make sure set can collide off for the hole.



use archimedes to make the shape of the pool and union that then do the same for the water and union the water and set water collisions to off

unions have weird collisions so instead of negating a big hole in the middle do what i suggested

Kinda work, i make hole and i can go into it

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No, the OP should make it: “Why can’t I go into the hole with a Union?”

Remember to set the CollisionFidelity property of the union for the hole to Precise.

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