Why i can't disable Reset button?

idk why, but setcore dosen’t worked


game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCore("ResetButtonCallback", false)


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local StarterGUI = game:GetService("StarterGui")

---// Deactivates the Reset Button
repeat -- Starts the repeat loop
	local success = pcall(function() 
		StarterGUI:SetCore("ResetButtonCallback", false) 
	task.wait(1) -- Cooldown to avoid freezing
until success -- Runs the loop until the Reset Button is disabled.
print("SUCCESS | Reset button core GUI disabled!") -- Debugging

btw don’t call it off, call it How can i disable the reset button


You can also use Promise, but this works too.

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Just a quick question. Why would you do this?
I’ve been in games where there’s no reset and a glitch occurs that locks me into a situation I can’t get out of without quitting the game.
Are you planning on having your own Reset button?

nope, if player doing reset character, camera start glitching and need to rejoin game

Then you really should try to fix that issue instead of just making the player leave to keep it from glitching.

Your way is like saying “when my car turns left it makes a squealing noise, so I’ll just turn right and it won’t squeal”.

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