Why is CFrame.new ( Vector3 pos, Vector3 lookAt ) deprecated?

I’m probably late to this but I just found out that CFrame.new ( Vector3 pos, Vector3 lookAt ) is deprecated.
I don’t really care about switching to :fromMatrix() but I just want to know the reason why.

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The lookat constructor for CFrame still works (for now). The same functionality can be achieved with :fromMatrix() and more, so there is no reason to spend engineering resources maintaining the old constructor.

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Ok, that’s cool! Thanks for responding.

There is a forum post that discusses how other alternatives do not provide the same functionality, especially with some fringe cases. I’d look it up.

I choose not to waste my time, and use the built in constructor which works perfectly and conveniently. I don’t think anybody knows why it’s deprecated, or if that’s just a wiki mistake. There’s a huge amount of significant games which rely on this constructor, there’s effectively 0% chance of something happening to it.

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My conclusion is that it is not deprecated.

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