Why is .Changed not working?

I am currently trying to display a notification on screen whenever a Stat value is changed, although I am having problems doing so.

	local tl = Instance.new("TextLabel")
	tl.Parent = Player.PlayerGui.NOTIFICATIONBOX.Frame
	tl.BackgroundTransparency = 1
	tl.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1)
	tl.Size = UDim2.new(1,0,0.245,0)
	tl.TextScaled = true
	tl.Font = "Ubuntu"
	tl.Text = "Succesfully served customer (+1)"

I am not getting any errors when the NPC value is changed and nothing is being printed, I have also already tried:


Although that is also not working, any ideas?


You need to detect the change of the object itself, not its value.

Try game.Players.LocalPlayer.Stats.Changed:Connect(function() instead.

That is not working for some reason, The folder is Stats and the value is NPC if that helps.


Is this a localscript or a server script?

Oops typo! I meant game.Players.LocalPlayer.Stats.NPC.Changed:Connect(function()! My apologies.

He has already tried doing that.

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It is a LocalScript

Is there anything before that part of the script?

:laughing: Brainfart, my bad. Been bouncing between threads.

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Just this:

local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer

maybe try it like this:

local Player = game:GetService(“Players”).LocalPlayer

local StatsFolder = Player:WaitForChild(“Stats”)

local NPC = StatsFolder.NPC



local tl = Instance.new(“TextLabel”)

tl.Parent = Player.PlayerGui.NOTIFICATIONBOX.Frame

tl.BackgroundTransparency = 1

tl.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1)

tl.Size = UDim2.new(1,0,0.245,0)

tl.TextScaled = true

tl.Font = “Ubuntu”

tl.Text = “Succesfully served customer (+1)”


Are you missing your


Or did you just forget to copy it to the code above?

Here is a formatted version of that code:

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How is the NPC stat being changed? Maybe whatever is responsible for changing the stat isn’t doing its job.

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Are you getting errors when you start the game?

It is changing the value, I have the Value open while I’m testing.

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No, nor did that other code suggested work.

So it is the Value your changing and not the name.

That doesnt make sense, are you sure that is the right place of the value and is it really getting changed?
and do you really get no errors?

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Yeah I’m trying to get it to send a notification once the value is changed.