Hello everyone, hope you are having a good day. I am getting this error message:
Players.crossbar.PlayerGui.PlacementEvent.ClientPlacement:288: attempt to index nil with ‘Parent’
Here is my code:
local model = furniture:FindFirstChild(modelNameGiven)
print("Furniture model: ", model)
local modelClone = model:Clone()
modelClone.Parent = workspace -- This is line 288 of the script, nil
This is also in a LocalScript. I don’t know why cloning the model results in nil, when the model itself is found and does not break any lines in the code. As soon as I clone it though the model returns nil and I get an error. I don’t know why. Could anyone tell me? Thank you very much!
Nope, that shouldn’t be causing the issue. I guess try wrapping it in an if statement if you haven’t tried already, or check if it was Archivable, set it to true if false.
Yes, it seems I have a script that is turning its Archivable setting to false automatically. It will probably work once I find the script that’s doing this. Thanks for all your help everyone.