About the exploits,why they are so dangerous and so easy to inject in roblox games?(without being rude,dont get me wrong)
They are not easy to inject into Roblox games. Exploit developers work hard to go around Roblox’s security, and Roblox engineers are trying their hardest to stop them. Exploits are only dangerous if you allow them to be. Secure your remotes. I think you are underestimating the work of Roblox engineers here.
Exploits destroy games like currency, building tools, back doors, etc. Hackers can give themselves billions of your in-game currency and it’s important to regulate that.
I wasnt,i m not saying that roblox developers does a bad work but,why there isnt a way just to avoid this easily?
I don’t know too much about it myself, but injecting exploits is not just a walk in the park.
Just for script knowledge.(30 characters)
There’s not a way to just block all exploits out of the game and have it all come to an end because the whole point of exploiting is to bypass what Roblox engineers do to stop it, so exploiters will always be trying to get through walls the engineers put in front of them.
Exploiting is still a problem, yes - but it is not as much of an issue as before.
Since the Filtering Enabled update, “dangerous” exploiting is definitely not as common as most actions done by most exploit programs can only be executed on the player that exploited, nobody else can see it.
Some more advanced exploits can definitely get around this but get patched fairly quickly by Roblox. The reason as to why exploits are still a problem is because the exploit developers are able to find new ways to get around the patches than Roblox engineers can find them and fix them.
Once Roblox is aware of a particular exploiting method or technique, they get it fixed relatively quickly.
Will exploiting ever come to an end? No.
This is awesome but at the same time sad. lol
Yeah it is a complicated issue since Roblox can only do so much to fight back against these exploits.
From my past here’s what I remember.
Most exploits like level 4s, (those exploits where you can kinda run admin commands sorta things) are made by looking at the addresses in the robloxplayer program. Every Wednesday (or pretty much whenever Roblox updates) those addresses are shuffled which is why those exploits have to update.
Basically, if exploiters can get ahold of knowing what each address does in the executable they can use that to their advantage to make exploits. I’m pretty sure it’s not easy for them to stop those exploiters from finding out those addresses.