Why is it so hard to make things symmetrical or line up?

Sometimes, I want to make something with columns, but it’s always nearly impossible to know if each part is the same distance from the others, or sometimes things are just a bit off and it’s very difficult to line them up properly.

Make sure “by how much” you’re moving is a small number, in “Snap to Grip” in the “Model” tab like one 1 stud. It would make moving things easier, for example make a 4-studs gap between each column

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Unfortunately, whenever I use the snap the pieces always end up slightly off, even if it’s a small unit like 0.1. Also, when I rotate multiple parts or use the move tool to touch other parts they mess up

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The thing is, you have to use the same Snap to Grid for all the time while you’re building, without changing it in the process.

For the rotation thing, can you explain more?

When I rotate, the pieces will misalign and go weird, I’ll get screenshots for you

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Huh, it’s not happening anymore.

Do you have discord? I can show you better through there.

Try to build with a specific stud such as “0.1” or 1. I usually build with .1 studs and I often switch to .05 and .025. This helps me perfect alignment. But try to stay with 1 particular stud to help your game stay neat and perfect. Hopefully this helped.

You should stick to increments like .125 or .25 as much as possible when building. (When using .25, it only takes 4 steps to reach a clean “1”, whilst with a .1 increment, it takes 10 steps. Also with .1 you risk creating spacing that won’t add up to “1”, such as .3, .4, .6, and so on, whereas with a .25 increment your only risk is .75, which is easy enough to correct) .1 tends to get sloppy over time, and takes more effort to line up.

I’d recommend using SBS as your primary build tool which has far better functionality and features compared to regular Studio:

And for when things aren’t lining up perfectly at a super small amount, use ResizeAllign. Click the face you want to resize, then click the face you want the first to connect with.

CTRL + D is one of the best tools for building in studio, it’s the hot-key to duplicate things.

The duplicated part/model will be copied and pasted into the original model you duplicated so that you don’t need to move the model back into place when regularly copy and pasting.

THANK YOU!!! Saved my life! The real solution

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This occurs because of the pivot. You can edit the pivot to the exact corner where you need your part to rotate. Discovered this neat feature on my own. I am glad I wasn’t the only one who was having a problem with this.