Why is light showing up in the corners?

I just see light in the corners, and it’s been annoying me alot for the past few days, I’ve also noticed at nighttime, it’s way too bright. (Btw my building is not that bad it is just a thing I made to show you.)
See pics for more info.

That’s a common issue with building inside houses. What I’d suggest is turning the ambient to a lighter white, listed under lighting.image
I’d say don’t make it too bright since it can be rather obnoxiously bright.


This has been a problem with the lighting engine for quite some time and it tends to get a little bit annoying, the only thing I can really recommend is turning the ambience up a tiny bit to try and smooth out the lighting or lighten up the inside of the house to mix it out. The main reason this happens is because it’s darker inside of the house then it is outside and lighting (for some reason) is able to travel through thinner walls.

use a block with surface light extend it throughout the house put it in transparency 1 and that can collide ,put 0.5 or 0.7 of luminosity that will make your entire construction not look so bright.

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I understand your problem, this used to happen to my builds.
What i normally do is make the inside part of the house a bit lighter so the corners which are shining due to the outside are not visible. As well possibly make your ambient a bit brighter, but it does really depend if you want a spooky dark house or a nice cozy bright house.

Set your OutdoorAmbient to [0,0,0].