Why Is My Animation broken In-game But Not While Animating?

(I think this is the correct category)
So to start off Here is what It looks like in game.

This is what it’s meant to look like.

I’m not really sure what my issue is, everything is the same, Motor6D Is in correct place, scythe is in same place.
Here’s my code

local Humanoid = script.Parent.Parent:WaitForChild("Torso")
local M6D = Instance.new("Motor6D", Humanoid)
		M6D.Name = "ToolGrip"		
		M6D.Part0 = Humanoid
		M6D.Part1 = script.Parent.TrueHandle

If you have any idea what I can do, It would be greatly appreciated! : D

Is it a tool or is it automatically equipped?


It’s a model in StarterCharacter

I don’t really know a method to aniamte m6d models. But if you want to switch it to a tool I HIGHLY recommend this tutorial How to animate Tool Parts (Guns, Knifes etc.) - #159 by Koreacty

I’m sorry for not being that helpful. I hope you find an answer soon.

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Make sure inside the animation editor you set the animation priority, that can cause it to not play or replicate sometimes.

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I checked that out a couple of times, I’ll see if I can find anything. Thank you for your time though! : D

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Moon Animator glitches the animation priority so there isn’t anything I can do.

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Try importing it to the standard roblox animation editor to change it then, changing it with a script can mess with replication.

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I already tried but my scythe keyframe wouldn’t end up in the animator, and yes there was a Motor6D too.