Why is my animation falling apart?

So i made this animation but it looks all weird. Idle animation is Action1 ( cant be idle for other reasons, not the point ) reload is action3 heres the video:

m it looks like your animations are blending together. I dont know if your animations are doomed to mix like this because they are both action but if not, it could be because you need more keyframes? maybe? like if there are no keyframes for a specific part, the Idle animations animation for that part will shine through… like a shirt with holes in it (sorry for bad analogy)

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is there a way i can select a zone in animation editor and automatically add keyframes there?

Your idle or firing animation could be overlapping with your reload so make sure you’re using the right animation priorities (eg. Movement for Idle, Action3 for Reload)

this could also be a welding issue but I can’t be for sure

I think there is but Im not 100% sure. Try clicking this plus button here maybe?
I dont have studio open so I forgot what it does exactly.

If that doesn’t work. you might have to add them manually.

And actually If I look closes it might not be a missing keyframe issue? I looks like you got all the keyframes you need. At least with this animation.