Why is my animation weird?

Why when I play the animation on the website its normal. But in game the animation is broken?




It’s probably because roblox force enabled the AnimationWeightBlendFix.

So, just check your animation priorities.


And were do i disable it? Im looking everywhere


Well, you can’t anymore, It used to be under workspace. Roblox force enabled it, so we can’t adjust it anymore.

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Roblox just ruined my time learning how to animate

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Unfortunately Roblox has recently released an update that forces every game to have AnimationWeightBlendFix enabled and removed the option to disable it.

But to solve your issue, you’re going to have to do some extra coding involving AnimationPriority and Weight since you can’t do that anymore with a simple dropdown click.

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Do you have an idea on how you can do it with AnimationPriority? Like what’re you supposed to do?

I just change the AnimationPriority to Action2

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