Why is My Animator Like This?



every time i try to even begin to make a custom model, i always lose hope immediatly, because i’ve had this really bad past with this build-in animator… like for R6 R15 etc rigs it works fine and i can animate my player aimations, but with custom models it breaks and for some reason even changes how the model is build OUTSIDE of the editor…
and the problem is, if i want to make a remotly cool game, custom models are just forced into your sight.
so i really don’t know anymore, last time i tried it i also posted it here but you didn’t seem to respond.
so please help!
video of the problem:

and here is a picture of the joints, if it isn’t a bug , then the problem might be there, but i’m not an expert at jointing so i will overlook everything about that.
Schermafbeelding 2023-08-21 210552
joints for the head
Schermafbeelding 2023-08-21 210606
joints for the body
Schermafbeelding 2023-08-21 210623
joints for the tail

if you know what’s wrong pls help!

Thanks in advance!


It might be because of the wrong part0 in your motors. Or, maybe some are anchored.

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does part0 need to be the basepart and part1 the connecting part, or does part1 need to be the basepart?

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The part0 is the root part, so usually the heavier one. Like the part0 is the torso and the part1 is an arm, for example.

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