Why is my CanvasGroup turning back to 0 transparency?

For some reason if I have too many canvasgroup they it eventually starts to turn the CanvasGroup Transparency to 0, but in the property it displays as 1 Background Transparency

Testing my UI: https://gyazo.com/61818ee24e8ce11bc4318c03990a2839.mp4
In studio: https://gyazo.com/339d55725fadafdce10cb2340d1e3bfb.mp4

Also I am encountering this issues for having too many Ui’s too.

I have pages, and a lot of panels that uses CanvasGroup they often turn pure WHITE.

Please help how can I avoid this?

Try making it so that only one notification can be on the screen, and if another one is already there it moves away and destroys itself.

Okay I get that but this is a Roblox Bug currently

I have several panels that uses CanvasGroup they started to Flicker

You can try this yourself.

Imagine you have a lot of Canvas and out of nowhere some of your Frame starts to be visible when you expect it to be invisible.

I also have provided the example the bug of this.

This issue has existed ever since CanvasGroup has been released; from beta to full release. Here’s a post showing similar issues: CanvasGroups Occasionally Won't Draw When Visible

Apparently CanvasGroups take a lot to render, and takes a lot of memory too (this is just an assumption from the replies from the post above). You’ll need to find a replacement for the time being until Roblox eventually puts out a patch to fix this.