Why is my character like this?

Whenever I started joining the game, my characters looks like its drunk.

How do I fix this?
Yesterday it’s fine, today it just go kaboom

Not a Very good description of it.

Could be the Result of the game being frozen, Script setting Positions, or Animations playing on top of others.

or just a glitch, really depends

Is your torso anchored or another part?

after testing, I realised this only applies to the default anims
aka walking, idle, etc

I also realised that the animation keyframe freezes and the weight is just messed up when you spawn in
it changes the “style of glitchting” when you reset.

I also noticed that the first keyframe that plays probably has its weight set to alot, that it overwrites other animations, its probably a bug. Since I have no script setting the animation weight when you spawn.

Nope, theres nothing in my character.

It was “sort of” fixed after resetting alot of times. But why do I have to reset alot of times to fix something? I need a way to fix.

what the h