Why is my cylinder being bumped up?


I am currently creating a placement system for fun but I am having this issue where when placing walls, the cylinder to preview the wall placement is always being bumped up a stud or so.

I’ve tried two methods of determining the Y position, both of which have this issue.

First is snapping the cylinder to the actual plot’s Y axis, moving it up half of the plot’s size to account for the plot’s Y size, and then dividing the cylinder’s X axis (X is the vertical axis because cylinders are on the side by default) but it results in the cylinder being bumped up a full stud.

-- Attempt 1
(plot.Position.Y + plot.Size.Y / 2) + (size.X / 2)


Second attempt was to move the cylinder relative to mouse.Hit, then move it up half of the wall’s height.

-- Attempt 2
vector.Y + (size.Z / 2)


Here’s my script in case I skipped over something but AFAIK, I am using :ToWorldSpace and :ToObjectSpace properly so I have no idea what is going on :confused:

    local wallPlacementPart = Instance.new('Part')
	wallPlacementPart.CFrame = plot.CFrame
	wallPlacementPart.Shape = Enum.PartType.Cylinder
	wallPlacementPart.Parent = ignoreParts
	wallPlacementPart.Anchored = true
	wallPlacementPart.Transparency = .5
	wallPlacementPart.Size = Vector3.new(10,0.5,0.5)
	local oldWallPlacementPart
	local wallPart
	local constructWall = false
	connections[#connections + 1] = mouse.Move:Connect(function()
		local relativeCFrame = plot.CFrame:ToObjectSpace(mouse.Hit)
		local snappedPosition = snapVerticalCylinderToIncrement(relativeCFrame.p, wallPlacementPart.Size, 50) -- This is the function in which I was using trial and error with above
		local newCFrame = CFrame.new(snappedPosition)
		wallPlacementPart.CFrame = plot.CFrame:ToWorldSpace(newCFrame) * CFrame.Angles(0,0,math.rad(90))
		wallPlacementPart.Position = checkExceedsPlotBounds(wallPlacementPart.Position) -- This doesn't affect the Y axis.
		if constructWall then
			wallPart = wallPart or Instance.new('Part')
			if wallPart.Parent then
				wallPart = wallPart or Instance.new('Part')
				wallPart = Instance.new('Part')
			wallPart.Transparency = 0.5
			wallPart.Parent = ignoreParts
			wallPart.Anchored = true
			wallPart.Position = (wallPlacementPart.Position + oldWallPlacementPart.Position) / 2
			wallPart.CFrame = CFrame.lookAt(wallPart.Position, wallPlacementPart.Position)
			local zVector = (oldWallPlacementPart.Position - wallPlacementPart.Position).Magnitude
			local yVector = oldWallPlacementPart.Size.X
			local xVector = oldWallPlacementPart.Size.Y
			wallPart.Size = Vector3.new(xVector, yVector, zVector)

TIA for any help! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Instead of using the mouse hit why don’t you raycast.

Mouse hit is calculated by a ray from the screen.

MouseHit is not that accurate, but have you tried printing the mouse hit and where the cylinder is?

Yeah, the cylinder is in the mouse’s targetfilter so that wouldn’t be affecting it anyway. I’m gonna go over my script again because I probably skipped over something that’s moving it up for some reason.