Why is my game failing?

Hello everyone. I recently made a Roblox game but it’s performing pretty badly and not making any Robux. I sponsored it and it got a handful of players who quickly left, but the player count has stayed at 0 since. If updating the game is even worth it, what do you think I could improve?

(Game link)


it’s an obby, that game market is so over saturated at this point that you have to basically reinvent the genre (or spend copious amounts on ads) to get any traction

It’s failing because it’s a generic obby, there is nothing unique about it.

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I believe that the reason your game is dead is because your game is repetitive and is just a plain obby. Although it is infinite the game is pretty much a standard obby. I suggest adding some extra twist to the obby and adding more to the surrounding area.

Okay, thank you guys for the advice. I think I might just move on from the idea then.

From experience just don’t make obbies unless you offer something really unique.

1000 visits is very low for a sponsor run, and 1 day sponsor runs are pointless. Not sure what we are expecting here. However your game doesn’t have to be unique to succeed, just see the Squid game copies and glass bridge games that blew up. I would not bother in Roblox game dev with an extremely low budget (if your goal is to make money). There are many devs pumping out the same games like Banana Studios and they keep succeeding, and that’s thanks to robux, likely 100k+ robux being spent on ads. It is a very competitive environment and not friendly to people with little budget or no access to large content creators.

In order for obby games to succeed, you need to be unique. The obby genre is ruined so you need to make a “game breaking” obby game. Game breaking doesn’t mean out of this world, but something like Obby King Remastered (Obby King Remastered - Roblox)

Most of their maps have great detail and actually looks like effort was put into it, hence why their game is successful for an obby game. If you want to also succeed in the obby genre, you should take inspiration from them.