A bit of both, I put some more heart into it towards the end of the development stage of the game and then I hoped to maybe gain some attraction. But I kind of knew it was designed to fail, but I added alot of systems in this game that i’m planning to use for my future projects that I have in mind.
I’ve taken everyone’s feedback in and I will definitely focus on making my games more unique in the future, I kinda knew this game was gonna fail originally but I completed making it in less than a month so yeah quite rushed.
On the plus side I did gain some profit from the game, I got 18 sales in total from my devproducts and 1 sale of my gamepass.
I’m planning on doing commissions first to get enough robux to advertise my future games and hopefully i’ll be able to make a successful game one day.
I’m going to take a break from roblox development for quite a few months now until the summer. Thanks everyone.
This doesn’t seem usefull to me tbh. It is good to make systems for practice, but I don’t see anyone actually using this. You could just use another messaging app to talk to friends or call them.
Quick question, on the analytics section for a game what does the “benchmark top 10,000 experiences” actually mean?
Currently my line on the graph sits at 5000 experience. I don’t know what that really means though.
Benchmark top 10,000 experiences indicate the top 10,000 experiences which includes player retention, engagement, revenue, or any other analytic being measured.
Simply, if your experience is closer to 1, this means your game is performing better than the other experiences with a higher number.
If your experience is closer to 10,000, this means your game is performing worse than than the other experiences with a lower number.
So it’s better if the graph is pointing lower?
Yes, if it’s closer to 1.
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