Now, I havent advertised it yet with the sponsor system of roblox but I tried advertising it with social media. I made a short on the game and got a bit under 600 views.
However, I only got merely a +1 visit boost since the short was uploaded. (and im not even sure it was because of the short). And everyone in the comments does not like the game. I’m not sure what I could really add to my game to fix this.
Because theres not much to do people can communicate in every roblox experience roblox has built in chat feature for every experience plus these types of experiences require huge marketing and multiple ways to keep players playing roblox has millions of players but that also means the competition will be big meaning unless you have budget and good marketting strategy chances of your playercount going up will be low just like real life
Well the main appeal is for console users because the game gives them a way to communicate. A few other games also have the same system that I have but they don’t really focus on it that much so I thought this game could do well. But I’ll take the failure of my game as a learning experience, and try to make something more unique next time.
most of console users are used to not being able to chat also according to roblox statistics back in the days most of playerbase were mobile and pc users
also i heared roblox is planning to add support for console users to chat im not sure if thats true or not but if you made experience on roblox where console players can chat while roblox has it disabled i think you would be violating tos because roblox wouldnt want to get in trouble
I know its against the tos to make a chatting system for console players on roblox, that’s why I simply made it a text sign/image sign.
Also, I did figure roblox was adding text chat to console but they hadn’t made it by the time I already finished the game. So I just thought, why not release it and see what happens?
Thanks, i’ve listed out unique ideas for my games that i’m planning to make during the summer.
Console users can just pick up this magical device known as a cell phone and text their friends. Right? At least, that’s what I would do. Typing on console would be very challenging, whereas on mobile is comparatively easy.
The point of other services like Discord is so you can talk and play games. What i’m saying is this is more of a tool rather than a game, so compared to stuff like Discord its useless. If you wanna continue this idea. I recommend adding different features like emotes, low gravity, and free and paid avatars. gears. and tools.
There might be a lot of chatroom games but the actual design of them is what counts and makes them stand apart.
In this game, the UI’s are good, leaderboards good, chat system good, but there’s hardly any structure to the map.
It needs a lot more than just a simple baseplate style of game. I would really like to see a Roblox developer balance change this year.
Coding is becoming easier for developers especially with help from ChatGPT while building is still a nuisance and doesn’t make sense to the majority of developers out there.
I am tired of seeing everything revolving around Blender.
Roblox has the absolute bare minimum to support Blender imports as it is.
I want to see Roblox give a huge buff to building where they start competing to be better than Blender rather than forcing us to use it.
Blender is incredibly confusing to learn and the reality is most people will shy away from it.
Hey, I’ll give some feedback as to why I personally wouldn’t play it. I’m hoping this would give you the feedback you’re after to build on your idea.
I personally do not get involved in talking to other users in-game. When I do talk in-game, it’s to exclusively communicate with friends. But most of my friends I have on external platforms, such as Xbox. When I am on my PC, as I have an Xbox account I can just join a party with them.
In order for this game to gain my interest, there would need to be more to it than just chatting and a few paid items.
Perhaps explore adding some fun minigames, which players can choose whether to play or not. Add a form of economy to the game which allows you to earn currency by playing and winning these minigames, and reward longer play time with periodic gifts.
There’s so much you can do to expand on this idea, you just need to get creative.
I agree with the portion of your comment that talks about building being a nuisance in Roblox. Scripting is just so much easier to learn.
Personally, I would say animating falls in-between, since we do have camera animating, and by itself I feel like getting good at animating is just a matter of repetition, as the more you do it the easier it seems to get animating more difficult animations. Of course I’m not saying repetition is the sole element, but it sure helps.
I think adding on some games like board games or some other types to make it fun for players to play. I wouldn’t play it right now because there is really no point of it because there are so many others that are funner and more unique.
Making games nowadays is more about having the willpower to keep going and actually finish a game and also having enough budget to be able to advertise, you can learn anything you wan’t, there’s no more knowledge gaps anymore just laziness
It is cool to have console users be able to communicate, but there has to be something else in the game that they can do. Maybe add some scenery or some slides…
Also, technically this game is a hangout game because you chat/voice chat with people. Similar to other games like some popular voice chat games.
I did try adding a map (with free models because I literally can’t build lol) but it didn’t look that good so I reverted it. Do you think I should change the baseplate color to anything to make it better?
I disagree with this, I still think coding is more of a nuisance compared to building. ChatGPT is gets most of its knowledge of coding from youtube tutorials and google, it barely has any knowledge of its own. it’s all pre-generated information that you could get without GPT.
The game I made is without any help from chatGPT to code and i’ve tested GPT on a few occassions and even the strongest version can only do very basic tasks that you could do with a simple youtube tutorial.
I agree, it feels like learning the whole of roblox studio UI again.