Why is my game getting SO MUCH HATE?

tasks like looking up are completely fine, but tasks which are “find this” or “touch this” are pure crap. adding a beam from the player to the thing they are finding will help make these tasks a lot easier. while this does make the game, extremely easy - i doubt difficulty matters very much to 5 year olds.


After playing your game for some minutes (and getting stuck at quest 13) here’s my review.
The idea is great, I personally like city building games a lot, however the execution is not that great. I’ll try to make a list to keep everything organized:

  1. The thumbnails: I personally have no issue with single devs using AI to make them but while scrolling thru them I was expecting to be able to arrange houses and the resources generators howerver I wanted or maybe to have to press buttons like in a tycoon to place them and to be able to fight other players and their kingdoms for said resources or maybe trade for them. Instead I personally found the houses to be placed almost randomly and in a unorganized way, making everything look more like a village than an empire.

  2. The map: the map is very big, maybe too big. When you start you basically spawn in an empy green baseplate of absurd dimensions that at the basic character speed would take some minutes to traverse, I would have subdivided the map in different zones that would get unlocked as the player completes different achievements like “build n houses” or “complete a favor for that npc” or maybe something different, and add some way of faster transportation to travel, it doesn’t have to be controllable like a car in jailbreak it can just be a teleport masked by a loading screen or a transition.

  3. The quests: when I read about quests by other devs in this post I expected something like “visit this structure”, “collect n resources for that deposit” or "talk to this guy to to unlock that building (or zone as I mentioned earlier). Instead what I found where some incredibly basic quests like “jump here”, “touch that”, “say moo in front of a cow”, “jump on that bush” which, if I can be honest, have no connection with the style of the game (also I suggest to scale down a bit the completed quest messages because it occupied a lot of my screen)

  4. The models: I don’t really have any issues with the low poly style, it’s very clean and allows for the creation for simple, fun and appealing games, however I didn’t like the houses at all, I’d suggest going with houses with walls that are straight upwards instead of bent(? idk how to thescribe them) and maybe create different variations one for a shop, one for a bar (you get the idea)

And that’s all for my review of the game, thank you for reading it and I hope it was clear enough.
EDIT: if you already added some of the things I suggested then my bad I didn’t finish it


I also want to say that the tasks themselves aren’t the biggest problem. It’s more of the lack of indicators to show the progress of the task.


Yes that was what I was trying to get across but didn’t really get that across so. :joy:


its kinda like youtube clickbaiting, people want to play because the game looks stunning and actually kinda fun

but when they join they will obviously complete 33 tasks in an empty baseplate with amazing graphics to finish building their empire

ai was the best thing to ever happen to roblox game developers :happy3:

note: ai isnt the issue, its the fact your using it to clickbait


Ah, another dev, with THIS kind of attitude confused about their game not being received as well as they imagined… Wonder if there’s some kind of relation…

But I digress. Without reiterating what others said about the AI thumbnails and boring gameplay, the sponsoring itself could be the problem with the ratings as you guessed in OP. Especially, if you selected console too. I can’t say with 100% certainty, but I think console players tend to downrate games, because of how sponsorships are pushed at them.


I thunk this game is sooo boring. :P.


i wouldn’t want to do 27 quests to play the game
when i see “build your empire” i’m not expecting to do quests to unlock the part that’s in the title
i’d rather just leave the game


The quests are completely irrelevant to growing an empire. That’s your problem.


The idea of your game is really good but the execution is why it only has 45%. You have to think about the kind of games that are similar to yours that your target demographic have played before and the standard that those games have in comparison.

Most of the time (from my own experiences), when an independent developer releases a new game it’s not always received positively straight away since they have fewer resources to make it to the high standard as a game which has a team of multiple developers.

You just have to keep working on the game, adding updates, fixing bugs, improving the visual aspects and eventually you will see more positive results with the rating.

I also noticed that the thumbnails for your game have been made using AI which I understand might be necessary if you aren’t that experienced with making GFX, but there are many GFX artists who would make a thumbnail and icon for you of similar quality for not a very high price if you spend some time looking for them. I think this could be another reason why the rating is lower because a thumbnail made by an AI won’t accurately resemble the content of the game (and doesn’t).


porbably because that younger age groups that cant chat cant pass tasks like saying “hi” or “MOO”

and even thought it’s my opinion, im still gonna say it: finding the flower is very hard and time-wasting


Hoo boy, there’s a lot to talk about today.
SnoutUp said something about Console support, and I want to dive deeper into that for a bit.
Having played on console for almost 3 years, I am heavily disappointed with your lack of knowledge of how console players can play Roblox. For a very long time, you have not been able to chat on Roblox at all, making many tasks impossible.
As well as that, the tasks have little to no correlation with the development of an empire, which has been stated before. Also, the tasks are much too difficult due to the severe lack of any indication whatsoever. The demographic you’re targeting your game to will not waste their time trying to find an apple, or a flower, or a zombie arm. The gargantuan size of the map is very unappealing and makes the game look quite empty. The lack of detail in your map will make younger players bored easily with the game, and they will have a negative experience playing it. Other players also have their accounts supervised by their parents, who may have disabled the chat function in games, again, making the game impossible.
Judging by the way you have treated those giving feedback on your game, I have doubt you will level with me on these issues. Your critical lack of respect for those attempting to help you is a severe issue that you should definitely address before reaching out to the DevForums for help. Until you fix your stubbornness, I fear that little change will happen to your game, and the same results will occur.
Driving away from that mini rant, the tasks are extremely repetitive and unenjoyable.
Also, small, but unimportant inconvenience. I am so annoyed that you used the exact same knocking sound for every single door in the knocking task.
The game has a wonderful idea that can definitely succeed with more effort, however, your execution of the idea has caused it to flop. With a few tweaks and a revising of the map (might I suggest foresting it and emptying the forest as you do more tasks?), you can absolutely make this game work.


Definitely going to say the first few quests. Also, “touching the tree 3 times” is more like, jump all over the tree while touching … hoping that gets detected.

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Game is not very fun, the tasks are really boring, it’s mostly just walking around or trying to find something. Is there anything after the 33 tasks?

Also, I am stuck at task 22

I entered the green portal thing ;-;


The game feels too easy, and way too empty. Instead of making the game try to feel too easy it’s like learning. You want it to be a perfect balance of fun, difficulty, and reward!


Maybe YOU should think about why he isn’t playing for 5 minutes, because there’s nothing interesting in the first 5 minutes!
You should have some core gameplay elements broadcasted to the player within the first minute, not baby steps that will bore the majority of your audience to death.
I actually nearly left as soon as I saw a flat world, I was so unentertained as a first impression compared to every other game I’ve played, however I decided to try the game out and I couldn’t make it to 5 minutes too… because there was nothing actually related to “Building my own Kingdom”.
Your micro tasks are not entertaining enough and simply not interesting, I didn’t experience any of the gameplay I wanted to experience by joining the game.
Your models are the same as any other low poly looking game, but that won’t really matter to the 4 year olds that you’re trying to teach to use their device with “how-to-move” objectives.
Since I didn’t want to experience the rest of your game, I went back to the thumbnails, even the finished results of the “Building my own Kingdom” didn’t even look interesting, just boring really.


It’s your choice to use AI or not. I plan on using AI as well to save cost and headache trying to find a good GFX artist. Just my 2 cents.

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It’s incredibly boring… that’s why. I tried to complete the 33 TASKS but I got sick of it at 27. Please remove the redundant tasks like ‘Click your screen 15 times’, and ‘Jump 5 times’. After doing all these quests, random buildings show up, but I am not putting them there. You should have to collect materials to build, instead of doing dumb tasks.

Will upload a video of my experience here later.



Heavily agree, having many years of experience doesn’t correlate to being able to make a fun game. I’ve got 3 years and most of that has been spent learning with only a couple of projects, all of which are unfinished.


People give you responses to your game and you respond with a very angry attitude.

I think this is one reason your game is getting so much hate.

oh yeah and if were flexing our studio experience now i have around 6 years under my belt :sunglasses: