Why is my game green?

Why on earth is my game GREEN?

The only free model I used was HD admin. This happened to me once before whilst I was making a sword fighting game and I am unsure of what is going on or the cause.



If the only free model you used was HD Admin, are you sure it was the real HD Admin…? Is it a problem with lighting specifically? There’s not much I can think about for what is causing it… Does it happen on a random game you just made? When did it start happening?


I’m assuming that you maybe didn’t have the right Hd Admin.


This first happened maybe a month ago whilst I was making a sword fight game. I dropped the project because it even thought I had deleted everything within the workspace it was still happening. And I’m pretty sure it was the real HD admin due to the reviews on it and the date it was created.


I’m pretty sure I had the real one by looking at the date it was created along with uses and like to dislike ratio

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Look for any scripts that you have not made.


Oh it’s happened more than once on a different game? I’m going to assume it’s a plugin that is the problem then.


That could be the case. Otherwise I’m not sure.

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It could be, a plug-in, but I have made places between this and the sword fighting game I mentioned. It also seems fine when I play test in studio

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So it is only when you play the game?


Yes here is the game

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Go to the explorer, and search “script”, if any scripts that look unfamiliar show up, delete them (then we can assume sine you didn’t use any free models that it is a plug-in).

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Yes that’s what I was thinking.

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Look for errors, a lot of the time backdoors have error


In the output of the game it tries to teleport you to another game and send things to “buy”. Of course it can’t do this since “ThirdPromptPurchases” or something like that is disabled. So it must be some plug-in as he only used one free model (HD Admin, which he is sure is the right one).

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He is checking the workspace for scripts.

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Uninstall any plugin that you dont use, search for scripts, allow HTTP requests.

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Personally I would revert versions until the last update before it turned green, then you can search what went wrong and what you added. Then you can just go to the most recent version you have downloaded and delete the script or model. Hope this helps!

This doesn’t seem like some sort of script or “virus” that is causing this as HD admin does this, maybe you or another user might have changed the fog color as most viruses don’t normally change fog colors.

Also, can you send the plugin model or plugin image so we could see further information on it?

The most possible answer has to be your fog color being set to green or the atmosphere also being set to green.

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Check your lightning properties, you must find the problem there.