Why is my game is falling?

Could you care to explain more about RPV? Does this apply to smaller games that only get a few thousand visits? How does RPV work? So for example if my game gets 2000 visits then I get some robux per every single visit?


I have a couple issues personally…

  1. GUI is massive: I understand you might be doing it for mobile’s gui, but personally as someone using a pc (1440p monitor if that matters even tho it’d technically should make gui smaller) the cards are absolutely massive, the idea of my having to look from top left bottom right everytime of my monitor is honestly exhausting for my eyes.

  2. Lack of options: I also would like more options. Not just cards completely dissappearing on my screen instantly, I’d like to beable to see what I got. Another Option I’d like which you should add is to “auto spin/roll” and by default you code it so the player rejoin’s every 15 mins and keep autorolling (even if slowly, and make fast version a gamepass) so they can afk (Remember premium payouts are big). That’s a big part of Sol’s RNG.

  3. Weird looking gui/Low Quality GUI: I honestly thought the Rebirth 1 button at the top and Luck +1 were buttons. I don’t understand why I already have 1 Rebirth, and alot of people get confused by that seeing every game on Roblox starts at 0. The gui of “Cash”, “Luck”, “Rebirth” Gui just looks so awkward being in the top left ish of my screen being that massive. The text of cash luck and rebirth also look a little low quality. Like I can see the pixels. That’s probably because how massive the gui is.

  4. The Rebirth Gui is Flickering non-stop

https://gyazo.com/aee2f7e68d3ab10ec94014e7e46cccb9 gyazo clip of flickering

  1. Assuming “Tired Of Clicking” is a gamepass, it doesn’t work when clicked.

  2. I can personally assume the top right clickable gui that pops up nothing when clicked is for the cards from the card dealer. You need to say that in the GUI, or people have no clue what that’s for and assume it’s unfinished gui.

I see your other comments to other people talking about adding more stuff to you game but personally If I were you I’d polish the whole game first. Starting with the gui’s (personally I would even make completely different guis for mobile and pc, and just write a small script that would disable or enable which guis to show for either device) That’s the only real way you can make gui look properly sized on both devices. and fix the rebirth thing flickering thing. I’d probably do way way more too, but until you done all that yet bare minimum. I would not even dare to attempt to advertise.


Not quite. It’s not just money handed to you for getting visits. RPV refers to the average of Robux earned (via gamepasses & dev products) to the amount of visits.

For example, say my game has 1 gamepass for 100 robux. If I get a thousand visits, and 10 people buy the gamepass, the game would have an RPV of 1, because (on average) I earn 1 robux for every visit.

A well monetized game should shoot for an RPV of at least 1 by having good, desirable gamepasses for people to buy.


Thanks for the explanation and clarification. This does sound interesting and now I’m tempted to create more gamepasses.


We’ll get that RPV robux when premium players visit? or just normal players


As I previously mentioned, you don’t gain money just by people visiting (aside premium payouts).

While premium payouts do offer a little robux, keep in mind that not a lot of people have premium. Also, in a well monetized game, Premium Payouts only make up about 10% of the revenue.

Long story short, to get your game’s RPV up, sell gamepasses and developer products.


Game would be better with auto-click for free, sol’s rng is auto-click for free.


Another way to make money is selling clothing and Ugc in your game as you will get a percentage of that in commission even if you didn’t create it!


True, although unless your game is a cloting/avatar shop game, this isn’t a reliable method.


If you game has a lobby you still could have one or two game related outfits to make a little extra robux!

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There is currently a massive problem. I just joined after you updated the game and my save data has been altered. It didn’t save the past 30 min of my game. You should work on this issue and fix it.

Also, the rebirth pad is not working. Try to work that out too.

Is the +1 luck card stackable? I’ve gotten the card 3 times but I only have +2 luck, and if it’s stuck at +2 luck, the reduce luck cost enhancement does the same thing as the other card. Also, is the rebirth pad supposed to multiply luck? It only drops price but I see it says 1 rebirth = x1 luck.

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It’s not stackable, and I plan to make Card Crafting in the future

There is a wall of progress once you get to multiversal, it may draw players away because they believe they are stuck on that and might get bored

the first card costs 100k


Plus people want images and tangible objects rather than just a number going up. it makes them feel better and gives a better sense of progression

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I see that now you can rebirth multiple times now in one rebirth, this does help but from going to multiversal to singularity it takes about a hundred million luck so some players might quit.

Also noticed that the rebirth cap says 10,000, but I’m at 2.7 million, it’s probably because I rebirthed with a lot of money and it didn’t stop me.

After using the grim reaper, it says I had max rebirths when I was at 1, I clicked it and it gave me 10,000

Got a perfect omnipotence card, reloaded the game and reset my card value to 10T instead of 500T