Not sure what is wrong with my gamepass script, it should send embed code of gamepass purchases to a discord server (via httpservice) but I cant seem to figure out why its not working, it wont even print the data that the remote event receives, and yes I have a remote event in replicated storage.
If anyone has any idea, Please Help me out!
you are not using the OnServerEvent parameter well here:
---Very Important this plr arguement
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Can you send the code snippets instead of the screenshots?
As @MrchipsMa (Potato Chips) mentioned earlier, OnServerEvent
has 1 parameter that needs to be passed before setting your tuple arguments:
- The Player Instance that fired the event
- After that, tuple arguments (Or your data variable can be passed on)
This should work, if it doesn’t then do consider adding print statements in your OnServerEvent
game.ReplicatedStorage.Events.GamepassPurchase.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Player ,data)
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