Why is my game's memory so high?

Hi, I am working on a commission right now, I had scripted a few things, nothing too complicated. I tested the game with my friends and we all had a high ping for some reason. So, I deleted all of the scripts in the game so I could test the ping and for my ping is still around 50-60 which isnt bad, but for some reason the memory is 670+??? There are only 2 buildings in the game rn and I deleted all of the scripts…So why is the memory so high lol, it says the target is 200

Im not lagging but I am very concerned about the memory, if anyone could tell me why the memory is so high, I will be grateful

Edit: I just tested the game again with the scripts

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Blank game. I am running high memory as well. I am pretty sure it is normal for this to happen.

Going into a real game on ROBLOX actually uses less memory which is weird…Though if you were to actually only use 200mb of memory that would be weird.


Roblox is the memory chomper. It sneaks in through your Task Manger and steals your memory pie.

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I have a high end computer with good ping, and my memory is 1000 on a simple baseplate game. I’m pretty sure it’s like this for everyone so you shouldn’t worry

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Ok that is a relief, thank you

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