Why is my group logo not fitting?

HELP!! I have been trying to get my group logo to fit for 45 minutes but it’s not working. I did 256 x 256 (edited it on pixlr) but it didn’t not fit. I try to make it taller, does not work. I am trying so much I lost a million braincells. Please help!!


you might want to change it to 456 instead and size your logo to fit in with the size

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I tried that and there would be extra space in the background, so when I save it and add it to the group there would be a big extra space in the back.

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Could you send me the logo so I can try and fix the issue for you? I uses Pixlr all the times so I am sure I can fix it

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That is the logo.

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Alright, let me see what I can do


This should fix it


Also, your size was 1317 x 1018, not 256 x 256

Yes I am aware, that is an old copy from before trying 256x256 or the others.

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Alright well, try the one I sent you

IT WORKSS!! THANK YOUUUU BUT IF YOU CAN CAN YOU Please change it to this image below? It actually looks a little weird with the text.

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alright let me go ahead and do that

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