Why is my Hook not returning properly?

Hello! The issue is that the hook for my fishing rod is either showing up in different positions for different players or not even going back to its original position at all. Here’s the code and a example picture (I’d show a video but forum doesn’t let me for some reason):

I even made the check an infinite loop in case the hook wasn’t back and it’s still not working :sob:

Additional info: The way other players see all the movement is through it being tweened by all clients through a remote event, not the server. Thought it might be important to add that.

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try doing it on the server instead of the client.

Same problem. Even worse is that the tween will lag immensely for the client if I do. You can check my last post to see what I’m talking about.

wouldnt a running a while loop like that without a wait() crash the game… is the event even fired?

Or hookframe is NOT not equal to invisiblehook cframe.

It doesn’t crash the game, and yes the event is definitely being fired. Though good reminder ill add a task.wait() in there since it’s good practice.

What did you mean by “Or hookframe is NOT not equal to invisiblehook cframe.”?

your while loop doesnt work because it will only check once if the hookframe is not equal to invisiblehook cframe

im at school right now i might only be able to actually help you when i get home

What do you mean? It will run infinite times as long as Hook.CFrame is not equal to InvisHook.CFrame since that operation will return true which will continue the loop

also take your time and focus on class, feel free to help me once you’re home

Could you show the local script? Maybe its something wrong there.

local FishEvent = game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage'):WaitForChild('FishingRemotes'):FindFirstChild('FishEvent')
local TweenService = game:GetService('TweenService')


local function AdjustRopeLength(TargetHookPosition, Hook, FishingRod, RopeConstraint)
	-- Calculate the distance between the rod tip and the hook
	local RodTipPosition = FishingRod.RodTip.Position
	local Distance = (RodTipPosition - TargetHookPosition).Magnitude

	-- Set the rope constraint's length dynamically
	if RopeConstraint then
		RopeConstraint.Length = Distance * 1.06

local function CastFishingHook(TargetHookPosition, Hook, FishingRod, RopeConstraint)
	local HookStartPosition = Hook.Position

	local tweenInfo = TweenInfo.new(

	-- Tween to the target position
	local TweenToTarget = TweenService:Create(Hook, tweenInfo, {Position = TargetHookPosition})

	-- Adjust the rope length as the hook moves
		if TweenToTarget.PlaybackState == Enum.PlaybackState.Playing then
			AdjustRopeLength(TargetHookPosition, Hook, FishingRod, RopeConstraint)


FishEvent.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(TargetHookPosition, Hook, FishingRod, RopeConstraint)
	FishingRod.String.Transparency = 1
	FishingRod.RodTip.StringRope.Visible = true
	FishingRod.Handle["Handle-Hook"].Enabled = false

	CastFishingHook(TargetHookPosition, Hook, FishingRod, RopeConstraint)
	Hook.CFrame = FishingRod.InvisHook.CFrame
	--Check if the Hook is already back at its original position; otherwise loop set it until it is.
	while Hook.CFrame ~= FishingRod.InvisHook.CFrame do
		Hook.CFrame = FishingRod.InvisHook.CFrame

	FishingRod.String.Transparency = 0
	FishingRod.RodTip.StringRope.Visible = false
	FishingRod.Handle["Handle-Hook"].Enabled = true

I meant the line of code that fires the remote event

Just realized and came back to edit this, that is the local script. I thought “OnClientEvent” was for server scripts. But what I meant was about TargetHookPosition?

TargetHookPosition is just for the casting of the hook, it shouldn’t have anything to do with the hook returning to its original position.

This is the code that handles the returning:

Hook.CFrame = FishingRod.InvisHook.CFrame
	--Check if the Hook is already back at its original position; otherwise loop set it until it is.
	while Hook.CFrame ~= FishingRod.InvisHook.CFrame do
		Hook.CFrame = FishingRod.InvisHook.CFrame

Btw sorry for the late reply, I had to go to sleep.

So I tried copying that script with a normal part and it only checks the position once, maybe make it so that it loops until the player is done using the fishing rod? There’s probably a better method but that’s the only one I can think of for now

Edit: It might also be that you have to set the network ownership to the server