If you’re attempting to detect when a player is falling from a jump, I don’t think that’s what HumanoidStateType.FallingDown does apparently. I recently needed this and it seems as though FallingDown isn’t what I think it is? It’s either fired when it’s in a ragdoll state or something along the lines of that, I don’t remember exactly what I read.
But basically how I worked around this is using CFrame. Whenever a player jumps, store that CFrame inside a variable, then inside a renderstep, calculate the distance between the current CFrame and the stored CFrame.
--Sorry if there's any error in the code, I wrote directly from here.
local Connection;
local StartCFrame;
local HumanRP = path.HumanoidRootPart;
local function renderFalling()
local toWorld = StartCFrame:toWorldSpace(HumanRP.CFrame);
if (toWorld.p.Y < 1) then
print("Landed"); Connection:Disconnect();
print("Humanoid 'Falling Down'");
local function onJumpRequest()
StartCFrame = HumanRP.CFrame;
Connection = game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Connect(renderFalling)