Why is my math.Random getting the same value each time?

I’m making an pop up gui and the math.random is getting the same value each time. Heres my script

	local Text = script.Parent.Parent
	local Frame = script.Parent.Parent.Parent
	Frame.Position = UDim2.new(0.357, 0, 0.613, 0)
	Text.TextTransparency = 0
	Frame.Visible = true
	local RandomPosY = math.random(0.313, 0.563)
	local RandomPosX = math.random(0.257, 0.757)
	Frame.Position = UDim2.new(RandomPosX, 0, RandomPosY, 0)
	script.Parent.Parent.Text = "+"..Value
		UDim2.new(Frame.Position.X, Frame.Position.Y + UDim.new(-0.2, 0)),
	for i = 0, 1, 0.1 do
		Text.TextTransparency = i
	Frame.Visible = false

So the frame is basically popping up in the left top corner each time

I believe you’re talking about:

	local RandomPosY = math.random(0.313, 0.563)
	local RandomPosX = math.random(0.257, 0.757)

math.random unfortunately won’t work as intended here and if I’m correct will probably give you 0 each time. You could try doing the following instead:

local RandomPosY = math.random(313, 563) / 1000
local RandomPosX = math.random(257, 757) / 1000

print(RandomPosX, RandomPosY) ---> wont print 0 for everything, that's for sure.

not an integer value, divide it.

local randomObject = Random.new(tick())
local randomNumber = randomObject:NextNumber(0.25, 0.75)