Why is my mesh importing like this?

Looks normal in blender. What’s happening, how can i fix it?

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Some of your faces are most likely inside-out. If you import it into bblender and highlight those faces and do CTRL + N it should fix the faces and if not click the checkmark off to the left side.

If you can’t use blender I think Roblox has a feature to flip faces.

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Hello, if it don’t work, do this. This should triangulate the faces of your mesh, in some cases it may change the look, but nothing too worrying. When your mesh is already triangular it stops forcing the Roblox system and allows the platform geometry to be better calculated, I also recommend that you export your mesh to a .fbx file.

In Blender, go to edit mode: Press A (select all), now press CTRL + T.

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If you’re still having issues and the above solutions have not worked, you could attempt the slow but effective manual process of selecting all the ‘problem’ faces by selecting the faces that have an off bluish tinge (if using 2.79a and below) and using the search menu (hotkey ‘Space’) you can search for the command Flip Normals. This should invert your faces so that they show up as normal faces in other game engines.

As for why this is occuring, have you by any chance imported a model/Blend file from 2.79a and below to 2.8; or visa versa? There’s been known issues when it comes to cross compatibility between the two program versions because of how different modelling functions.

Hope this issue is resolved, good luck!