Why is my model broken?

I am designing a simple fountain for my first simulator map and once I exported the model and imported it into roblox the base of it broke. when you look at it the side your looking at becomes invisible.

Any way to fix this? I have already tried exporting the model again…


It seems your ‘normals’ in Blender are the wrong way round.

You could…

  1. Check the normals with the view normals setting, and then flip the normals to blue.
  2. Or, could use Roblox’s double sided property. (this is the ‘easier’ solution but it doesn’t always work.)

Thanks, double sided property works.


That’s good, but it is more heavy on performance.

I’d recommend the first option, and researching typology for models if you’re worried about performance. (and if you have a ton of models in your game.)


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