Why is my PBR texture not working?

So right now I have a mesh of a mountain that I want to put a surface texture on but when I do put it on it looks like one green color. if I put it on a mesh part with no mesh it works fine why?
here are the textures



here’s what happens

can someone please help me?


Hey! Check if you are in future lighting, this is very important. Also try another texture

ive tried future lighting and changed textures but still no change

Is your larger MeshPart UV unwrapped correctly? I’m fairly certain SurfaceAppearance isn’t like a tiling material or Texture object. You have to actually UV unwrap the mesh they belong to in order to apply them correctly, which might be difficult for larger Meshparts like terrain.


This is possibly due to the fact your UV is out of line. If you have blender, you can edit the UV to fit the texture, look up a tutorial, its very easy.

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ok i will try UV wrapping then tell you all how it goes