Why is my roblox studio crashing just by doing something simple like clicking a part everytime

My roblox studio has been crashing for about a month now, and I cant figure out why, it happens when I do any action as simple as just trying to select a part, can somebody help me find out how to fix this issue.

Are you using any free models? That may be the problem.

No. No free models are used. It happens in all of my games, even a blank baseplate.

Might be one of your plugins can u show me the plugins you installed?

Alot of em are not used, I like to test plugins

This happens to me but it’s when I union parts.

See your plugins, it might create the problem

I once made a plugin which had while loop and when i saved, my studio stopped responding. I had to delete the plugin from folder to get in studio again.

that also happens to me when i try to union parts.

Try seeing if roblox studio needs an update. Also, refrain from using free models if possible as they may be causing the crashing.

i suggest you delete the one owner title because that may be the problem and you can get those tags in the toolbox

Could be these plugins. :confused:

As I did say, none of those are really used except the animation editor.

They can still contain scripts. that can ruin your game

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It could still harm the game even if it’s not used I think. I suggest just deleting the suspicious plugins.


Try updating studio.

This happened to me before and the problem was solved by upadting roblox studio.

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I think what it is is you have too many functions calling the :Selection() property. This function specifically fires when you select stuff. Solution? Well for now simply stop using any plugins. Long term though you might need to rework some of the plugins you have to be more efficient (i’m talking like asynchronous method callbacks)

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Delete the plugins you don’t use. Only keep plugins that you use/need.

Or literally just don’t get some random plugins. Like the owner title, you could simply just make your own use GUI and stuff.

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