Why is my script not Working?

Hello, I think this is a really easy fix I just don’t know what the problem is because right now my code is


I don't know why it's not working is it because My script is in the Starter Gui? Thanks!
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Your probably need to put in serverScriptService.

Is that my only solution though and if so than why?

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Are you trying to make a gui visible when the player enter the game or something?

The goal is to find out how many players are in the game and if there are 2 or more then the text shoudl start counting down

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What text??, you just showed code for the playeradded event, your gonna need remotes and fire all clients updating the respective text labels to the countdown number

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local players = game:GetService("Players")

local count = script:WaitForChild("IntValue") -- make sure the script children is IntValue

    count .Value = count.Value + 1

count.Changed:Connect(function(newValue) -- You can fire remote event here
   print(count.Value, newValue)
   if newValue >= (2) then
       -- Fires remote event here

    count.Value = count.Value - 1

Normal script in serverScriptService

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Yes I added that but That Is functioning and doesn’t have to do with my question

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