Why is my sofa can't stay flat on the ground?

Hello I cant figure out why my sofa is not staying flat on the ground when I move it using “Select” tool. It suppose to stay flat before. Idk if I click anything on Roblox studio tool that cause this to happen

Before I move it:

After I move it:

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Try specifying primarypart as a flat part in the model properties.


If it’s a model make sure the primary part is a part or other item that is on the normal axis, if that doesn’t work try rotating the model/parts. finally if it isn’t a model and it’s all parts make sure the last selected part is on the normal axis.

Hope This Helped!

But the problem is the sofa is just the example of the problem I having right now which it does not stay flat. If I open a new Roblox studio with just a baseplate then i spawn a part and rotate it to 45*…When i use the “Select” tool and try to move it…it usually staying flat eventhough it is in incline postion but now when i move it it stay 45*

Like the one in the picture above

Not to sure about this it’s probably just a bug or a new thing they’ve implemented to studio.

I don’t know if you facing the other problem or not but this also happens to me, the way I fix it is just to regroup/Primarypart the assets if you ever group them together. for example.

im just gonna reinstall studio i hope that work

This is off topic.

Move it to #help-and-feedback and edit the format.

Hi, i recommend using the plugin:

And then, with the rotate option (C Key) you can put it correcly, and then just anchor it, i hope this helped you :grinning:

While you’re selecting the object, click CTRL - L on Windows or Command - L on mac.

The setting should be “Geometric” when moving. If it’s “Physical” this will happen.