Why is my terrain so bumpy?


I am trying to figure out why my terrain is so bumpy compared to a game like “The Wild West” terrain.

This is currently my terrain:

As you can see, there are ridges where ever the elevation of terrain changes.

This causes trouble for vehicles.

However, for a game like “The Wild West”:

It seems much more smooth here!

Why is my terrain so less smooth? Is there a way to fix this?

FYI, my terrain is procedurally generated with a erosion simulation.

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you need to use the smooth tool to make it look like the one in The Wild West.

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I just realized that terrain voxels have a occupancy that can be a fractional value (rather than 0 or 1).

I will just reprogram my terrain generation algorithm to use the WriteVoxels() rather FillBlock() function and interpolate the occupancy using smoothstep.


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