Why is my tween freaking out on client side?

Hello! Why is my tween freaking out on client side?


Sorry for the terrible quality but forum doesn’t let me post otherwise.


The fishing rod probably has something connected to it that is collidable on the client side

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I turned CanCollide off and Massless on for everything.

Screenshot 2024-09-02 at 7.50.07 PM

it depends on what type of fishing rod line you using

But, it could be because u have the server tweening the attachment instead of the client, which means the client ping affects how the tween will look, and that is bad practice.

But if I make the client do it instead, other players won’t be able to see a player fishing.

If you’re concerned about ping, why not fire a remote event to all clients to make the tween? This would take a bite out of your performance, and it’s up to you what you want to prioritise

client ping or performance.

My opinion

The freaking out is the clients problem, not the game’s. So I would just tween it on the server because if the clients ping is good then the tween would be good.

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To add onto what @MysteryX2076 has said, use a RemoteEvent to get all clients to tween the fishing rod themselves. The issue you’re having is caused by the delay between server and client. The server cant send enough packets to make the fishing rods movement look smooth.

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optimize your tweens so it willnot use alot of network data | using tweens on the server will make the server send the position of the object every frame which is very inefficient

tweening shouldnot be done on the server in most cases even if the player have 100 ping it will still look bad


It’s probably because the part that you’re tweening is unanchored

Alright thanks to @player356377 , @GE_0E, and @MysteryX2076 who all suggested making all clients do the tween instead. It worked.

There’s another issue now though, where the hook is either showing up in different positions for different players or not even going back to its original position at all. Here’s the code and an example picture (I’d show a video but forum doesn’t let me for some reason):

I even made the check an infinite loop in case the hook wasn’t back and it’s still not working :sob:

It was just studio. It works fine in-game. Weird.

Funny how it’s the exact opposite to other issues on the forum :joy:

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