Why is my viewport frame being black?

I am attempting to make my viewport frame show a pet but for some reason the pet inside is completely black even though I used the same method for the one in the list and it works fine.

here is the code that creates the camera:

local IconCamera = Instance.new("Camera")
IconCamera.Parent = PetInventoryUI.Main.PetIcon.PetViewport
PetInventoryUI.Main.PetIcon.PetViewport.CurrentCamera = IconCamera

here is the code that adds the pet

petModel = ReplicatedStorage.Pets[petData.petType]:Clone()
 petModel.Parent =  PetInventoryUI.Main.PetIcon.PetViewport
petModel.CFrame = IconCamera.CFrame + (IconCamera.CFrame.LookVector * 3) 
 petModel.CFrame = PetModel.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(115), 0)
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Are you ever setting the camera’s CameraType to Enum.CameraType.Scriptable? You should do that right after creating the camera.

This is not necessary for ViewportFrame Cameras.


Check the light color, light direction and image color

Did you actually instance or make a viewport frame? Because I’m pretty sure viewport frames and standard guis are two separate classes.

Just for testing purposes try instancing a viewportFrame and see if it works.
Like this:

local viewportFrame = Instance.new("ViewportFrame", parent) -- put what the viewportFrame is gonna be instanced into

Fool around with the size, BackgroundTransparency, Position and other properties. And try defining the IconCamera’s CFrame.