Why is one of my stats not appearing in the folder?

Hi, I have 5 stats that should appear in the in built leaderboard that roblox has in the top right, but for some reason only 4 of them show up. Any ideas why this is? Edit: It’s the ‘winstreak’ stat that doesn’t show up, all of the others do.

local stats = Instance.new("Folder")
	stats.Name = "leaderstats"
	stats.Parent = player
	local kills = Instance.new("NumberValue")
	kills.Name = "Kills"
	kills.Parent = stats
	local deaths = Instance.new("NumberValue")
	deaths.Name = "Deaths"
	deaths.Parent = stats
	local donated = Instance.new("NumberValue")
	donated.Name = "Donated"
	donated.Parent = stats
	local wins = Instance.new("NumberValue")
	wins.Name = "Wins"
	wins.Parent = stats
	local winstreak = Instance.new("NumberValue")
	winstreak.Name = "Winstreak"
	winstreak.Parent = stats

I think that Roblox sadly has a maximum of shown values in the leader board to not make it way too big. You could solve this by creating your own leader board but I don’t know how good your scripting skill is.

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Thanks, I just changed the order so that it showed winstreak instead of deaths as I didn’t really mind if deaths was on there or not.

The max amount the standard leaderboard can show is 3. Like he said above u can always create your own leaderboard to increase the amounts that will be shown.

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