Why is only one specific game for neon color so weird? (Challenge)

I have a challenge where for some reason in one game the neon colors are affected and do not glow while for other games it does. Why is that? All the games have the same things in lightning.

image Glowing Sword

Then put a BloomEffect instance in lighting and set the Intensity and Size to 0.

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Like this because it does not work.

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Check your studio’s quality level.
(Alt+S) > Search bar > “Quality level”
I think you need quality level 13 to see neon glow

Does not work either.

Oh wait I need to delete the bloom and now it works, but now it is too bright.

Huh. that’s wierd
Why would bloom affect neon :I

whatever what’s done is done :stuck_out_tongue:

Well @VegetationBush on top told me, so I tried it.

Weird now on game it shows as this still.

You tried making your graphics higher?
Neon don’t show in playtest under graphic level 5 I think

No I never changed anything before since now and it is only like this in this game like I said.

Maybe that’s intentional?
I opened studio and don’t see neon glow in playtest too
(in the actual game it glows though)


No not that. It is just that in one game the neon shows but not in the game, but in the other games both are neon. Like this

(You fixed this)

Still is not fixed.

Assuming you mean those 2 are from different games;
If you’re in studio, try to higher the quality level (again)
If you’re in game from the website, try to higher the graphic level

That would only be me, an as I said the sword looks weird only in one game which I am trying to fix.

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That is why this is such a challenge.

Not sure if this is relevant to the problem, but often the neon material doesn’t glow with colors that are “hard” to glow… like browns and yellows. Try changing the color and checking if it will glow until you find a color that glows both in studio or in game. Do you know if this on a client basis? Or if this happens for every player?

No this only does not glow on one game and the rest do.

This game shows that it glows
This game shows that it does not.

Do you mean that it doesn’t glow for only one player and it glows for the rest?