Why is PrismaticConstraint's servo power weak?

Hi there!
I am trying to create a pantograph for a train using PrismaticConstraint.
I want to slow down the speed as much as possible to lift the pantograph slowly, but the lower the speed value, the further away from the target position it will stop.
Does anyone know why lowering the speed would result in a lack of power or have any solutions?
The reason why I want the pantograph to move with physics is because I want it to be flexible enough to follow the overhead wires.
Any input is welcome.:slight_smile:



I’ve always had this problem with weak steering constraints for cars and such. I think the best way to do this would be to make a motor6D rig and animate it or use TweenService on the CFrame of a weld.

You could also experiment with using Motor type properties on the constraint and setting a min/max position. That way, it’s always pushing to get to the min/max point instead of losing power as it approaches. I think it might have something to do with servo dampening. If a server approaches an angle too fast, it can overshoot and then starts to accelerate backwards, and overshoot again. This results in janky servos that constantly overshoot and oscillate back and forth. So it could be that roblox automatically dampens the servos so they stop short rather than overshooting and oscillating.

You might want to use Motor6Ds instead. This topic was recently solved.

Thank you for your various comments.
I tried various means, but in the end I decided to rig it and run it with an animation controller.
I wish the Prismaticconstraint was more powerful. :worried:

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