I am attempting to save in game analytics to an airtable but for some reason the response I get is Http error 422 even though I checked the same request with postman and it successfully worked there.
any idea why I get the http error 422? I tested this out with postman and it was able to succesfully change the airtable. ```
local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local url = "https://api.airtable.com/v0/appQzNQ9VTzFbo8wh/Table%201"
local data = HttpService:JSONEncode(
["records"] = {
["fields"] = {
["Name"] = "CoolName2"
local response = HttpService:RequestAsync(
Url = url,
Method = "POST",
Headers = {
["Content-Type"] = "application/json",
["Authorization"] = "Bearer KEY_HERE"
Body = data
if response.Success then
print("Status code:", response.StatusCode, response.StatusMessage)
print("Response body:\n", response.Body)
print("The request failed:", response.StatusCode, response.StatusMessage)
Apparently there’s a forum for airtable as well, perhaps this has the similar issue?
If there’s still no luck, I’d suggest browsing that forum instead, since it is starting to reach that point instead. According to an article I read earlier, they mentioned that 422 errors are variably specific and cannot be resolved by one general solution.
You can still ask here, but the issue seems more technically directed at the HTTP rather than the scripting technicality. Your best guess is still at their forum if you’re going to use Airtable. Perhaps they have one applicable solution for the 422 error?