It only occurs in one of my games, and is a big issue, especially for mobile uses, since the entire enter chat prompt box (or whatever it is called) takes up the majority of the user’s screen. How do I fix this?
I think this should be moved to #platform-feedback:engine-bugs
This has been happening to my game too recently.
This has been happening in my game for a long time. I’ve ignored it, but as I’ve started to play the game more, it’s been getting more annoying.
I remember this was happening to users who forked their chat a long time ago. If you forked your chat, try deleting the scripts in the Chat service or replace them with new ones. Otherwise I’m not sure what the problem is since it’s not happening to me anymore.
Pardon me for not understanding the lingo, but does that mean editing the chat scripts? And would a certain cut/paste of the current scripts work?
You should follow what he said here, it should fix your issue.
Yes, forking would mean editing/modifying the scripts. Deleting the old chat scripts in the Chat service (if you have any) and copy-pasting the new chat scripts into the Chat service should fix it. Deleting the chat scripts only would also work as the new chat scripts would be put into the Chat service when the game runs.
This isn’t really a bug. It happens in some games I play and I don’t think developers care since I’m sure the auto chat can’t be changed within studio with/o a plugin.