Why is the colour of object black even though i choose red

The mesh part I made when bringing it in Roblox the clour is Black instead of red

Can lightning be the matter
My lighting - Screenshot 2021-02-02 at 205506 Screenshot 2021-02-02 at 205518 Screenshot 2021-02-02 at 205527

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Turn on UsePartColor in Properties

@GamingBoy113 only Unions have the UsePartColor property, though? MeshParts do not.

@Amaan707 Did that really solve your problem? If it did, you might be using a Union, not a MeshPart. The terminology is important since other users might refer to this thread to attempt to solve their own issues in the future, so correctly stating what you’re using will avoid confusion :slight_smile:


Well I used MeshPart n I thought that guy might be right there might be a UsePartColour
in mesh so i made it solution n without trying cuz i had closed studio by then lol

The dev forums uses solutions as suggested topics when a user is creating a similar thread - mostly as a way to say “hey the question you’re asking has already been solved!”. So unless you know a reply is actually a solution, please don’t mark it as one :stuck_out_tongue:

As for your MeshPart turning all black, can you provide more info if you haven’t solved the problem yet? What file type is it, .obj or .fbx? Are you using Vertex Painting? Does this happen to other objects/MeshParts in that place?

@Aotrou Oops! Must’ve not had my brain switched on.

@Amaan707 Just checked again, and it does appear to be a lighting issue. I set my lighting to the lighting you showed, and ‘Really red’ has decided to not be red but black.


Apply a plain red texture to the mesh

If you look at the screenshots provided, it says “MeshId” as one of the properties. So clearly this is not a Union, its a meshpart. I’m disappointed nobody found an answer and instead is arguing under this forum :man_facepalming: