Why is the healthbar not showing?

For some reason, the player’s health bar isn’t showing. I’ve tried making a script which changes the health display type to all. I also changed the Nameocclude value to NoOcclusion. Can someone please help me. Also the players are on the same team(I dont know if that has any effect on it just saying).

This is the script that changes it.

		local Humanoid = Character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid")
		if Humanoid then
			Humanoid.HealthDisplayType = Enum.HumanoidHealthDisplayType.AlwaysOn
			Humanoid.NameOcclusion = Enum.NameOcclusion.NoOcclusion

Ik this was 8 months ago, Idk if you solved this already. Also your script looks weird at the end, I think you forgot to indent it in the devforum. Search up Character Name/Health Display here.

Also if you want to give a dummy a health display. Look inside the character’s humanoid and search for properties that relate to health and put it to display. Notable is DisplayerDistanceType, HealthDisplayDistance, and HealthDisplayType .

Unfortunately, the OP got banned from the Forums so he won’t be able to answer you…

Oh. Thanks for letting me know.