My custom player character goes up and down as they traverse terrain. Here’s a video that shows them floating over the ground while going up a hill and sinking into it while going down hill. The bright red part is the HumanoidRootPart and you can see at different times it’s like it’s using a different hip height or using a different part of the character as the hip. I have other characters that are made the exact same way (to my knowledge unless I missed anything) and use the same movement scripts so I have no idea why this happens to this character specifically. It’s not a huge problem but it’s disorientating. Can anyone help?
Edit: When I delete piece by piece I can boil it down to 1 specific meshpart. It’s as if the game is basing the character’s height off of this part instead of the HumanoidRootPart. When I delete that part the character’s height is actually based off the HumanoidRootPart just fine. Why would the game be acting like it has to base the character’s height off of a specific piece in the rig?

I don’t really know how to describe this, but it’s really my only idea, so…
My only real idea is that perhaps the character is centered around the middle, rather than the legs, so it’s resting on the middle-bottom of the model, meaning the legs would just stick out, which is why it would appear to be floating/sinking when you go up or down?
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It appears that way… it looks like its acting as if, hipheight-wise, the root part is in the middle or front of the model. But the primary part is the HumanoidRootPart, and the camera orbits the HumanoidRootPart, so I’m not sure why the height is acting this way

I honestly don’t have much experience with custom characters, especially non-humanoid ones, so I’m not sure what to say. Maybe there’s a property in the humanoid that can do something about it? I think there was a hip-height property that could do something, but I think you probably already know about that based on your reply
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well, I “fixed” it, but I have no idea what caused it.
The model was broken according to the rig editor I use and I couldn’t alter its rig. I went to an older backup (always make backups of everything. everything) and re-rerigged specifically the part that was causing problems. I then re-implemented it into the game and it works fine now.