Why is the model invisible when i import it to studio?

When i import the model to roblox studio, it just looks like this:

Any ideas of solving this issue??


It looks like this in blender:


In Blender you should set the Geometry to Origin… this will center the model to the origin point, that way when you import it into roblox with its location information it will be centered to the pivot point.

You can also edit the pivot point since you already did all this, to the center of your model using Edit Pivot near the tools menu.

Edit: your model is there its just very far away from its pivot point.


The only thing I can think of when it comes to issues with models completely disappearing is that the Normals are inverted.

I recommend you try going into the blender client and access the viewport overlay tab. From there you should be able to look down the listing of options and I want to to find the main heading “Geometry” and turn on Face orientation. Your model should then be one of two colours, Red or Blue.

Blue = Normals are correct
Red = Normals are incorrect

If Normals are incorrect the object will not be visible, for your case the entire object is invisible. Go into edit mode and select all by pressing A and then Alt N which should bring you to the Normals tab, press “Flip” and your problem should be solved once reimported.


I’ve done it already and my entire model is all blue but it’s still invisible


But when i set the geometry to origin, it would look like this:


Hm… Weird, can you give me an in-depth walkthrough of the steps you’re taking when exporting your model from blender into roblox studio?


Encountered the same bug Just recently.

I ended up having to get the mesh that was broken.

And inside Blender using Ctrl + A → All transformations.

And then resetting’s its origin back to the mesh using Object → Set Origin → Origin To Geometry.

I have no idea why Roblox does this. Might be just how your mesh is put into a Texture Id is the most likely culprit.

And after importing it it looks just fine now.